Residential Land In Erimi, Limassol
The Village of Erimi is close to the villages of Kolossi, Episkopi and the archelogical sites of Kourion.
The land is 17057 m2 and has a coverage 20% and a density of 30% with a maximum height of 2 floors.
The land is perfect for a small development of houses.
Property Details
* For Sale
* Property Type: Land
* Property Subtype: Residential
* Location: Limassol, Erimi, Cyprus
* Price: €990,000
* VAT: N/A
* Date Available From: 2nd July 2018
* Loan Installment: €4,853
If you wish to borrow from a bank, please find above indication of the loan installment with the assumptions used below.
Loan Installment Calculations:
Closing Price: €990,000
Own Contribution (30%): €297,000
Loan Amount (70%): €693,000
Interest rate: 3.2%
Years of repayment: 15 years
Price: $1,060,000