Forest Land In Mousere, Paphos
The asset is a field in Mousere. It is located 3,8km from Dora village. The field has an area of 19,399sqm. Mousere is located 20 mins away from the famous traditional village of Omodos and 35 mins from Paphos.
Property Details
* For Sale
* Property Type: Land
* Property Subtype: Forest
* Location: Paphos, Mousere, Cyprus
* Price: €2,300,000
* VAT: N/A
* Loan Installment: €11,274
If you wish to borrow from a bank, please find above indication of the loan installment with the assumptions used below.
Loan Installment Calculations:
Closing Price: €2,300,000
Own Contribution (30%): €690,000
Loan Amount (70%): €1,610,000
Interest rate: 3.2%
Years of repayment: 15 years
Price: $2,470,000
Agency: Fox Smart Estate Agency, Registered and Licensed Estate Agency, R.N 488 L.N. 344 E - Cyprus
Agency name:

Phone: (+357) 26940150