Residential Land In Geroskipou, Paphos
Residential land of 5017sqm in the heart of Geroskipou.
Main characteristics of property:
Building density 100%
Coverage ratio: 50%
Floors allowance: 3 with height up to 13.5m
Easy access to motorway.
Walking distance to schools, bars, restaurants, banks, shops & supermarkets
Close to all amenities
Ideal investment for property development
Οικιστική ζώνη Κα5
Συντελεστής Δόμησης:100%
Συντελεστής κάλυψης: 50%
Άδεια ορόφων: 3 με ύψος 13,5μ
Ολ.Τίτλου: 5017
Ολ Οριοθέτησης: 4514
Ωφέλιμο: 3587τμ
Δημ.Πρασίνου: 538
Τεμάχιο ιδανικό για ανάπτυξη
Property Details
* For Sale
* Property Type: Land
* Property Subtype: Residential
* Location: Paphos, Geroskipou, Cyprus
* Price: €1,000,000 Plus VAT
* VAT: Plus
* Loan Installment: €4,902
If you wish to borrow from a bank, please find above indication of the loan installment with the assumptions used below.
Loan Installment Calculations:
Closing Price: €1,000,000
Own Contribution (30%): €300,000
Loan Amount (70%): €700,000
Interest rate: 3.2%
Years of repayment: 15 years
Price: $1,070,000