Residential Land In Tremithousa, Paphos
This asset is a field located in Tremithousa, Paphos. It is located approx. 250m northwest of the Tremithousa community centre and approx. 80m west of the Tremithousa - Tala main road. The asset has an area of 13.713 sqm. It has an irregular shape and slightly sloped surface. It benefits from a road frontage of 7m width on the tip of its north-eastern corner. It enjoys nice views of the surrounding areas. The immediate area is residential.
Property Details
* For Sale
* Property Type: Land
* Property Subtype: Residential
* Location: Paphos, Tremithousa, Cyprus
* Price: €630,000 Plus VAT
* VAT: Plus
* Loan Installment: €3,088
If you wish to borrow from a bank, please find above indication of the loan installment with the assumptions used below.
Loan Installment Calculations:
Closing Price: €630,000
Own Contribution (30%): €189,000
Loan Amount (70%): €441,000
Interest rate: 3.2%
Years of repayment: 15 years
Price: $676,000