Residential Land In Argaka, Paphos
10992τ.μ. με ανεμπόδιστη θέα το βουνό και την θάλασσα.
Το τεμάχιο βρίσκεται σε ύψωμα διπλα απο το πευκόδασος της πάφου.
Στο τεμάχιο μπορεί να γίνει ανέγερση κτηρίου μέχρι 2 ορόφους με τελικό ύψος 8,3 και εμπίπτει στην οικιστική ζώνη Η3 κι έχει συντελεστή δόμησης 60% και κάλυψη 35%.
Large residential land overlooking Akamas peninsula, in Argaka is available for sale. Total area 10992 with the possibility to create 11 large plots.
The land is situated near the mountainside, where the forest of Paphos starts and is oriented to enjoy a mountain and a sea view. The surrounding area contains luxury villas and touristic properties. The building Density is 60% and the coverage is 35%. Offers for swap with flats or houses in Nicosia will be seriously condidered.
Property Details
* For Sale
* Property Type: Land
* Property Subtype: Residential
* Location: Paphos, Argaka, Cyprus
* Price: €790,000
* VAT: N/A
* Loan Installment: €3,872
If you wish to borrow from a bank, please find above indication of the loan installment with the assumptions used below.
Loan Installment Calculations:
Closing Price: €790,000
Own Contribution (30%): €237,000
Loan Amount (70%): €553,000
Interest rate: 3.2%
Years of repayment: 15 years
Price: $848,000